Friday, July 28, 2017


As a raspberry bush producing its berries, I wonder my words:


If there is a path to the rock pool, and if so who made it, and if not, how did they get there to make the rock pool.

If anyone breaks the no camping sign rules, and if not why they have so many signs posted, or for what radius around the sign its rule is valid.

If anyone follows the walk your bike sign rules.

Who goes to Kendo, that they have such a big building there by the river.

Tucked in a book, the receipt from someone else who read it, and movies at the library--who is that person who read it, and who is it watching them all. What did they think?

When everything has stories to it, how do you decide which ones to read, or to tell? For yourself, hopefully. Do you get to say some are better than others? Maybe so long as you give evidence. Do you have to always worry you haven't found the best ones? Maybe not if you have all the time in the world.

Do they always have to translate into words? Maybe pictures and music are ways to tell them, too.

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