Friday, February 14, 2020

Gamecool Books: The Amber Spyglass

The Gamecool Books podcast turns to The Amber Spyglass, the concluding volume in His Dark Materials, by Philip Pullman. Long-form discussions of the intertextual goodness branching out from the book in all directions, and of the depiction of consciousness at its heart, will be posted on a weekly-or-so basis, along with conversations with other fans and scholars. This page will also be updated with recommended additional reading to accompany our deep dive into Pullman's work. I welcome any questions or comments. Enjoy!

Ep 56: A Novel Answer
Ch 1 The Enchanted Sleeper
Ch 2 Balthamos and Baruch
"The Man Who Walked with God: Philip Pullman's Metatron, the Biblical Enoch, and the Apocrypha," John Haydn Baker. In Critical Perspectives on Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials, Barfield and Cox ed.

Ch 3 Scavengers
Ch 4 Ama and the Bats
Coleridge, "The Knight's Tomb"
Dickinson, "She lay as if at play"

Ep 58: Conversation with Leanna on BBC/HBO His Dark Materials
Ch 5 The Adamant Tower
Ch 6 Preemptive Absolution
Ch 7 Mary, Alone
from Milton, Paradise Lost bk. I, III, VII
I Ching, Wilhelm trans. and commentary

Ch 8 Vodka

Ch 10 Wheels

Ch 12 The Break
Ch 13 Tialys and Salmakia
Spenser, Faerie Queene I.9 
Blake, The Little Girl Lost

Ch 14 Know What It Is
Ch 15 The Forge

Ch 16 The Intention Craft
Ch 17 Oil and Lacquer

Ch 18 The Suburbs of the Dead
Ch 19 Lyra and Her Death

Ch 20 Climbing
Ch 21 The Harpies
Dickinson, I gained it so 
Byron, Venice letter to John Murray Apr 2, 1817

Ch 22 The Whisperers
Ch 23 No Way Out
Milton, Paradise Lost bk. I

Millicent Lenz - Philip Pullman [essay/chapter in Alternative Worlds in Fantasy Fiction]
As Lyra and Roger read of the scholars in the crypt at Jordan: requiescant in pace

Ch 24 Mrs Coulter in Geneva
Ch 25 Saint-Jean-Les-Eaux
Ezekiel 16