Monday, August 5, 2019

Plato in the Summer, and Klein's Commentary

Having read or re-read most of Plato for a summer reading project, I also wanted to make some time to revisit Jacob Klein's Commentary on Meno. The writing of commentaries is something I've been very into lately, though mine are all about old video games and fantasy series, so it is gratifying to read one so masterful about so complex a subject. It's really the next best thing to discussing the book with someone else, which of course is in a sense the entire point of Plato's project. Klein makes this point in various ways, but also glosses many words and passages in Greek, engages with other scholars and translators, and draws connections to key arguments about knowledge and recollection which are widely scattered throughout Plato's dialogues, all of which is even more invaluable than your ordinary seminar, and well worth the difficulty of reading and re-reading.

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